Welcome to Denver Writes

Writing Workshop: Calvin & Hobbes (1/11/14)

Using the hilarious antics and adventures of the beloved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip as inspiration, we practiced writing puns and poems, we used figurative language, sarcasm, and other complex language concepts and forms to write short stories. Click on the link below to read them. Prepare to laugh until it hurts! Read our stories from

This Cat is Smarter Than You

“I know all about excellent prose,” said Squishy the cat on Monday in his lavish study. The room was full of leather-bound books and smelled of mahogany. It was then I knew that this cat was the real deal. “I can help these Denver youths become masters of the written word, all they need is

Summer Writing Camp — June!

We just finished up our June Summer Writing Camp — Adventure Tales and Survival Stories! 13 kids from Denver (who all love to write!), 1 fantastic lead instructor, and 4 happy volunteers trekked all over Denver looking for inspiration for our stories, and we can’t wait to show them to you! We went to the

New Name, New Site!

Hello Friends, Family & Volunteers of Metro Denver Promotion of Letters! If you are reading this blog, you must’ve noticed our big news, but we wanted to explain it a little more clearly to you. We’ve changed our name! Metro Denver Promotion of Letters is now Denver Writes. After many months of planning and working,